Ways to make your Sunday memorable!

Sunday is a fun day where we only want to relax and rest before we get ready for the week ahead. But how do we turn our mundane Sunday into a memorable one? Here’s how…read on:

Sunday is a fun day where we only want to relax and rest before we get ready for the week ahead. But how do we turn our mundane Sunday into a memorable one? Here’s how…read on:

Breakfast in bed:
How many days of the week do you even eat breakfast? So, make your Sunday super special by indulging in a relaxing breakfast in bed. You can grab a tray full of food and sneak back into bed. Turn on the TV, flip through channels and eat your favourite stuff sitting snugly under the covers! Yum.

Elaborate baths:
Don’t just take bath, indulge in a ritual. Get bathing salts, appropriate music, aromatic essence and your favourite fragrance to have long and elaborate bath. Wash your hair with beer, eggs and curd for deep nourishing.

Phone off the hook:
Do not bother about office, work, colleagues and other such things that can distract you and affect your good mood. Keep your phone off the hook and switch off your smartphones and other fancy gadgets. Spend some ‘us’ time with your family as you hardly have any such luxuries during the week.

Cooking lunch with your partner:
Whether you’re good at it or are planning to turn the kitchen into a bomb site, it’s fun to cook lunch with your partner. Don’t go for anything fancy, just your regular meal but cooked in an exotic way. You’re bound to discover a lot of things about each other when you get down to cooking with yoiur better half.

Afternoon siesta:
Yes, this is a luxury that evades you during the week. Have a light lunch and hit the bed for a good 3 hours to make up for the week gone by. Switch off your phone, door bell and the landline phone to have a peaceful sleep.

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