How to make it to work on time

Are you going to work late because you just can’t wake up on time? Here’s how you can be punctual…

Let’s be honest. We hate getting up in the morning and going to work. Especially in winters, it’s a struggle to make it to work on time. Either your alarm doesn’t go off or your dog chews your files, but you do have an excuse up your sleeve for not making it to work on time. Well, here’s how you can avoid it, read on:

Quick breakfasts:
Just because you’re getting delayed, you shouldn’t skip on the most important meal of your day. You can have quick breakfasts like buttered toast, cereal, mueseli or even a bowl of fruits. You can also have glass of warm milk or tea and bun to set you up for the day ahead.

Being organized:
Choose your clothes, shoes and files the night before and lay them out on your bed or table. Save precious time in the morning by being organized the night before. You can also have your meetings and other to-do things chalked out before you set out for the day.

Keep buffer time:
You can never predict the traffic, weather and myriad other factors that govern your arrival time. So keep some buffer before leaving for work, to factor in these things. It’s a good rule to keep at least 20 minutes before stipulated time to make it to work on time.

No-phone policy:
Do not be tempted to check out the social feeds and answer e-mails on your phone first thing in the morning. You can do that either while travelling or when you reach your office. You can save a lot of time by maintaining a no-phone policy in the morning. Try this out!

Grooming session:
If possible, do your make-up and other grooming sessions in office, before beginning your work for the day. This will save a lot of time in the morning and make you more punctual and better prepared for the long day at work.

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