4 Dangers Of Rubbing Your Eyes All The Time!

Dangers Of Rubbing Eyes

“Dangers Of Rubbing Eyes”

Do you have the habit of rubbing your eyes when you wake up? Or do you rub your eyes when you’re tired? You might think that rubbing eyes is not dangerous, because it helps stimulate the secretion of tears and it also removes the dirt etc. But, this is one side of the story i.e. positive but do you know about its negativity? I’m sure you don’t. But never mind, this article will help you with it.

Now, the damage can be caused only if you keep rubbing your eyes all the time (For a long period). Also, if you rub your eyes too hard, then you’ll face a lot of eye-troubles. Here, I’ve listed the dangers of rubbing eyes all the time.

  1. Damaging the vision

Rubbing your eyes too hard can nearly cost you a lot. When it gets too much, you cannot see what’s happening in front of you and things can get worse. If you’ve any sort of eye problem, then strictly avoid rubbing your eyes. Your vision might get poor and the nerves can get damaged, plus it can nearly leave you blind as well.

  1. Tearing of the cornea

Rubbing your eyes hard can damage the cornea and it can lead to serious problem. Sometimes when we get foreign body stuck in the eye, many of us tend to rub our eyes to remove the object, right? But in reality, it should be avoided, cause’ rubbing can tear or scratch the cornea.

  1. Skin irritation

Sometimes when you rub your eyes with dirty hands, the germs get transferred into the eye and the problem starts arising. The germs later result into causing infections like conjunctivitis i.e. pink eye. Thus, whenever you put eye lenses, be careful about your hands and then do what you want to. In short, keep your hands completely clean.

  1. Dark under-eye circles

Do you love having dark circles? No, right? People who are beauty conscious care a lot about such things, so in order to keep your face beautiful, avoid rubbing eyes. It can not only cause dark circles, but it can also break the blood-vessels.

So, these were the main dangers of rubbing eyes all the time. Well, in order to prevent it, use eye drops to keep the eyes hydrated. But make sure that you don’t overuse the eye drops. And if you’re experiencing dry eyes, then use artificial tears to make it soft and also to remove the dirt out immediately. 

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