Wrinkles Around The Eyes In Early Age Have Many Reasons! Here’s How To Treat Them!

wrinkles around eyes

Wrinkles around the eyes!

No matter what age you are!

No matter what your lifestyle is!

No matter what your diet is!

The polluted environs and various other factors cause these not-so-pleasant lines and dark areas around our peepers that make us look stressed and worn-out!

How to get rid of them?

Let’s first find out the potential causes of Eye Wrinkles. The major ones that work around bringing these lines are:

  • Sun Damage
  • Free Radicals
  • Lack of Proper Sleep
  • Smoking

The appearance of crow’s feet, eye wrinkles, and bags are a problem faced by countless men and women, given the modern day lifestyle. But nothing to worry, There are some very effective and natural ways to take care of them, and I am speaking from a personal experience.

Apply these methods and you will see the gradual results when you start to get rid of the wrinkles, under-eye bags and dark circles around the eyes.

Eye Socket, Face Yoga Workouts

Position your thumbs on the top part of your eye socket immediately above and on each side of the start of the nose bridge. The thumbs ought to face upwards and fit snugly in the contour on the inside of the eye sockets. Make small inward circles. This workout procedure treats crow’s feet, dark circles, and under eye wrinkles, and induces blood flow to the mid face from the brow right down to the mouth area.

Yoga for wrinkles around eyes

Yoga for wrinkles around eyes

Eye Corner Face Gymnastics

Position the tips of both index fingers at the corner of the eyes. Make small outward circles on the thin skin here. This will cut down on and remedy subtle lines and crow’s feet, as well as under eye creases. This face workout will also overcome eye bags.

Eyes exercise

Eyes exercise

Below Eye Wrinkle Face Gymnastics Exercises

Here is the core facial toning therapy for below eye lines and nasty eye bags. Lay the same fingertips beneath the eyes on the grooves of the lower eye sockets. Keeping your eyes open, do small outward circles. This should lessen and eventually eradicate under eye wrinkles, improve crow’s feet, dark circles, and shrink eye bags. The eye area will have better colour to it and will filter downwards to the mid and lower face.

Eyes workout

Eyes workout

Don’t press into the eyes while practicing these yoga facial exercises. The skin is somewhat thin here, so these facial yoga routines can go a long way to prevent, minimize, and lose eye lines. Do them as often as you can and you will discern a marked improvement in this face area within days. Can you imagine what face aerobics can do for the rest of your face and neck!

Some of the other effective points to remember and apply in daily life, that will bring in the results sooner, without any surgery:

  • Always remember to put on the sunscreen (especially under the eye) when going out
  • Consume more water, less coffees and sodas, as dark eye rings are oftentimes a cause of constant dehydration
  • Get good sleep, preferably in the night hours. 7-8 hours.
  • Cut down or eradicate smoking. This alone should lower the presence of under eye bags
  • Take a Vitamin K supplement every day as this can vastly treat wrinkles and dark circles quicker than you can imagine

Here are Some Effective Kitchen Remedies For The Problem:

  • Using mashed avocado on the eye area lessens the appearance of fine lines about the eyes and underneath the eyes. The natural oils in the avocado will moisturize and nurture the eye skin, tighten slack skin surrounding the eyes, making you appear more striking.
  • Rub coconut oil on the wrinkly eye region. Coconut oil is highly moisturizing; daily applications will lessen eye lines and eye circles considerably and assist with your facial yoga routines.
  • Apply cucumber slices or the juice thereof using a cotton ball below the eye region. This is a highly effective natural home remedy to smooth out wrinkles under the eyes, fade eye puffiness, and will also refresh the eyes by making them seem more alert.

These are easy and home bound treatments to overcome under and around eye wrinkles naturally, which also help to reduce dark circles and eye bags.

Facial gymnastics and acupressure exercises don’t have any adverse effects and help treat the problem quicker than lotions. Also, they are a more permanent and natural solution as opposed to cosmetic or surgical processes.

In a short period you can gain  a new glowing face with lessened eye creases and receded eye bags, with brighter and shinier peepers!

Get the new you! Start today!

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