Here is what Exercise can DO to you!

Exercise is for more than just weight loss. From your nose to your toes, working out has many total-body benefits both inside and out. Check out it’s benefits:

Exercise is for more than just weight loss. From your nose to your toes, working out has many total-body benefits both inside and out. Check out it’s benefits:

Exercise benefits the brain
Working out is so good for your brain because it increases the blood being pumped to the brain and encourages higher levels of healthy chemicals called brain-derived nerve growth factors.

Better Sex
Regular exercise can also boost your sex life. Working out can also improve mood and boost confidence and self-esteem, all of which can lead to more success in the bedroom.

Muscle gain
As people enter their forties and fifties, muscle mass starts to decline because of aging and in some cases, decreased activity levels. As we age, it’s important to increase or maintain muscle mass through strength training, not only because it helps burn calories, but also because muscle mass is essential for strength and balance.

Healthier Digestion
Although constipation can have a variety of causes, a lack of exercise can be a major contributing factor. Exercise enhances many factors that are indirectly beneficial, such as increased hydration and better dietary intake.

Less Stress
Exercise can have a number of emotional benefits. Working out can help keep depression and anxiety at bay. Plus, coping with mood disorders that are often associated with stress can be a little bit easier when you are in good physical shape.

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