9 Essential Tasks Of A Professional Manager

Here’s a list of nine important responsibilities a professional manager has to carry out…

The responsibilities of a manager arises out of the various social interactions in which the firm is engaged for the pursuit of its business. Here’s a list of nine important responsibilities a professional manager has to carry out…

#1. Providing a certain goal to the firm

Anticipating the goal of the firm is the first and foremost thing a manager is expected to do. Dividing and attributing roles to the other employee according to their work profile is of utmost importance.

#2. Managing internal and external growth

Factors pertaining to internal growth like the means of technology being used, efficiency of labour, the icon of the organisation, financial resources etc. are taken care of by the manager.The external factors include government policies, laws and regulation, changing and delivering products according to the demand of the customer.

#3. Maintaining the organisation’s efficiency

A manager is not just expected to perform and produce results, but he is expected to do that in the most effective manner. That is probably the reason he’s been hired(he did better than the contemporaries during the selection).

#4. Building assets for the organisation

A good manager is always a valuable asset for the company; because he understands the other assets of the company. A good manager is always on the lookout for people with potential and attract them to join the company.

#5. Being innovative

Alright. You might have heard about this a number of times, but yes, a manager irrespective of the organisation or work profile he’s employed in, is expected to be innovative. To innovate new ideas for the organisation, to cultivate those ideas so that they match the new trends is what he is expected to do.

#6. Always look-out for competitors

A manager is expected to conceive and contemplate for increasing competition. And when i use competition i mean it in terms of more producers, products, quality management of products and profit to the organisation.

#7. Interaction with employees and customers

No. It is not possible for the manager to go and check if every customer is satisfied with the product. But making an effort to check out the reviews or the feedback given by the customers helps the manager to create a better work environment.

#8. Deliver social responsibility

A manager has to maintain a positive image in the society, which is why he must assume and discharge with utmost sincerity the firm’s social responsibility. A manager delivers the role of a philanthropist here.

#9. Be a factor of change

A manager has to perform the task of a change agent. It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure that change is introduced and incorporated in a smooth manner with the least disturbance and resistance. Only then will the organisation prosper.

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