Top 5 Languages You Need To Learn For An International Career!


World is changing faster than you can imagine and it has gotten interconnected like never before.

Even though everyone is talking about India becoming the next powerhouse, the importance of other bigger and global giants can’t be discounted. While the world is looking at us for further economic growth, we also need to get their guidance and help in learning and understanding from their expertise. In that context, we need to work with them, in their country to understand a lot of processes.

That is why there is a need to learn new languages to get used to these countries and make them home to not only make your career, but bring back the experience in your home country for its growth!

Let me share with you the top 5 languages you need to learn to work for an international career:

1) English

You might say it is obvious, but you have to understand that just knowing how to read and write is not enough. If you can’t talk in English proficiently and communicate your views to others, then this part-knowledge of English is of no use. Don’t have to learn a particular accent, but learn it enough to understand what an American or a British national is saying and convey your thoughts to them without any confusion. As such English is fast becoming the language of the world with more and more people embracing it in every country.

2) Spanish

In America, Spanish is the second most spoken language thanks to a large number of immigrants. Also, as far as businesses are concerned, Spanish has always been in demand due to its vibrant economy and business relations with all the major economies. Knowing the language can help you to deal with Spanish customers, vendors and clients in a much more efficient manner while at the same time you can enjoy their culture too.

3) Mandarin

It is definitely one of the most difficult languages of the world, but in current scenario, China is the only nation that is growing as fast as we are and is really the economic engine of the world. Also, more and more Indian companies are opening their branches in the most populated nation of the world and the engagement at people to people level as well as business level is increasing on a regular basis. If you happen to work in a company with substantial presence in China, knowing language can give you an edge over your peers!

4)  German

Germany is one of the most stable, developed and economically powerful nation of Europe with its auto-industry literally ruling the world. Many of these companies are making inroads into Indian market as well and employing local talent not only for Indian operations, but also for their global affairs. Learning the language can help your chances at getting the job as well as working higher up the hierarchy.

5) French

France is the other big economy of the world and second to none as far as Europe is concerned. It is the Fashion capital of the world with a vibrant economy and culture offering employment opportunities to millions. French companies are also planning to set up shop in India and that augurs well for those who have a competitive edge with knowledge of their local language.

Remember, these languages are an additional tool in your armour.

Do work on your other skill sets as well, but learn either or all of these languages for expertise and to stand out of the crowd!

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