How To Ask Your Contact To Put In A Word Of Employee Reference For A Job Profile

How to get a job through employee reference – While it is an added advantage to have someone you know working in a company, you wish to work at – getting a job through employee referrals is not as easy as it sounds to be.

It’s a general notion to feel good about a job requirement at a company, where you have a contacts of yours already working.

The recruitment process does not seem to be evading all of your positivity, and the hiring manager is probably already on your side before he or she even meets you.

While it is an added advantage to have someone you know working in a company, you wish to work at, the process of getting a job through employee referrals is not as easy as it sounds to be.

The foremost thing to be kept in mind here is that the process of getting a job via employee reference is more risky as compared to the usual procedure.

Know Your chances

It is always better to know your chances of getting a job before you finally go out and ask your contact to provide a reference to the recruiting team. Follow the standard informational protocol and start with question like what does your contact think of the profile and the position. At the same time you can talk of your experience and skills, and how the profile would help you grow in your career.

Measure relationship

If you have more of an acquaintance sort of a relationship with your contact, maybe you should try to get in a position where you can ask the person for a favour. You can always ask about a few details like who’s the decision maker for the job, or what would be the best way to impress the hiring manager for that position. On a general note, good companies offer their reliable employees a few employee-referrals.

The employee-referrals can be used by the employees to suggest the name of one or two candidates fit for a particular job profile. Candidates who go through the recruitment process via employee referrals are preferred over other candidates.

Job position

Once you’ve made up your mind to ask your contact for an employee referral, make sure that you have thought about all the possibilities of the answers you may get. It can be embarrassing when someone asks you for a referral, and you’re not in a position to do that. Considering the same situation for your contact, make sure that the person is comfortable while saying he/she will be unable to do it because of whatever reason.

No matter what happens you have had your piece of information about the company, job and the role they are offering, which is invaluable. So, don’t develop any hard feelings for the contact in the worst-case scenario.

At times, a job through employee-referral procedure works the best, and at times the worst, as the competition might build up between you and the person who referred you.  Under any circumstance, it is advisable to keep yourself open to any situation and handle it maturely, as you never know whose help you might need once you’re up to the profile.

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