6 Ways Of Dealing With Stress In College Life

Sometimes the myriad of life’s changes that occur during your college years can trigger serious depression. Here are a few steps you could try for your own recovery…

Sometimes the myriad of life’s changes that occur during your college years can trigger serious depression. If your feelings of constant stress and sadness go on for weeks or months, you might end up experiencing more than just the unability, adjusting to life’s changes. In this case you would either seek help from a doctor, the college’s counsellor or the student’s health centre. But here are a few steps you could try for your own recovery…

Understand why are you feeling anxious

There could be a number of reasons for your anxiety. A number of changes occur when a student joins college. For those who’ve left home for the first time, are entailed to make certain decisions that they’ve never really encountered before.

Plan your work and study schedules

More than half the population in college defers doing class work through the night and feel exhausted during the day. Constant fatigue adds to your depression. So make you get ample sleep when unwell.

Change habits

Add exercise to your daily routine. Believe it or not working out reduces stress and anxiety. Reduce your intake of stimulants and try talking it out to your friends. However, there is always this one condition where even talking it out with friends won’t work- Semester time. Then just sit back and do whatever you feel like doing(wink).

Be a part of extracurricular activities

Theater, sports, college fests and events, clubs, blogging- whatever interests could be an opportunity to talk and mingle with people sharing the same interest as yours.

Seek counseling

Go and talk to your college counselor, physiologist or a friend with whom you connect. Remember your goal in life and start focusing towards it.

Take out time for yourself

Take out time for yourself, even if it’s only for few minutes a day. Focusing on yourself could be energizing and give you a feeling of purpose and control over your life.


Remember college life is the best period of your life and not able to live it fully, would be like missing out on the best part.

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