Tips to tackle a negative colleague

A workmate who always cribs about his or her place of work, profession or head, could leave a negative impact on the work atmosphere.

A workmate who always cribs about his or her place of work, profession or head, could leave a negative impact on the work atmosphere.

Even the most staff-friendly organisations could give way to the strain of employee negativity.

While companies can keep away from such circumstances by giving the right environment, professionals too must know how to not let pessimism from colleagues influence their productivity.

1) Lend a tolerant ear

The daily crush can cause a mood of stagnancy, breeding pessimism at job. On such instances, just listen to your co-worker. The eruption does not need any support or counsel but wants a peaceful listener. Communicating bottled up pessimism, at times results catharsis, and downloads assistance.

2) Get in some humour

Use wittiness as a method to sidetrack the one cribbing and create an optimistic, jolly environment. Laugh together and try to alter the pessimism into optimism. Tell jokes and share cartoons, and some lighter moments.

Create amity, care and understanding in your bond, so as to move the basic focus of the individual to optimistic lightness.

3) Put an example

Persuade a positive state of mind. If you can’t change the opinions of your colleague towards his job or the supervisor or the work atmosphere through your regular counselling, then your activities can come to your rescue.

Display positivity through your conduct at the place of work as this will lend a hand to the downbeat workmate bringing in a transformation in his or her outlook.

4) Maintain protected space

If tolerant listening, counselling or empathy turns out to be of no help, keep away from the pessimistic fellow worker as much as possible. Do not get over concerned, as it will only promote negative actions. Try to demonstrate them a brighter view.

Avoid spending too much time with depressing people as it likely affects your viewpoint in the long run. Pessimism is a option not a command.

5) Talk more frequently

Negativity at job multiplies fast and impact companies considerably. In case of intense state of affairs do not hesitate to reach out to the senior authorities and bring their notice to the matter. The aspects troubling the employee at place of work can always be addressed and efficient measures can be taken to solve problems.

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