5 Reasons Why You Require A High Emotional Quotient At Workplace

The emotional quotient comes into picture much before the intelligent quotient does, as it surrounds a lot and synchronizes the functioning of the heart and mind…

There have been many debates and controversies over the score of emotional quotient at work place.

There exists many different schools of thought, while some give Emotional quotient preference over intelligent quotient, others claim that it is an inborn characteristic.

However, as far as work is concerned, it is conceived that common sense and rational abilities are all you need to make it successful. The emotional quotient comes into picture much before the intelligent quotient does, as it surrounds a lot and synchronizes the functioning of the heart and mind.

We tell you why having a high emotional quotient at work is important. 

Strengths and weaknesses

Your emotional quotient makes you weigh yourself in pros and cons. The more you identify your weaknesses, the more will you be able to work on it and more will be your productivity. Understanding your true potential will make you realize you are and make you a better judge of what can you do beyond your capacity.

No fretting

You generally tend to fret when things don’t turn out to be like you thought of. Your EQ helps you get over the weak moments, as much as it pushes you in them. You cannot have the same time throughout, nor does your time remain same. Enjoy every moment of your work.

 All sorted

People who possess a high emotional quotient are generally all sorted. Understanding and analyzing are two things which comes easily to a person with high EQ. They figure things out by themselves and reach conclusions which are usually true by having some deep insight into what differences do their mind and heart have.

Communication skills

People who possess a high emotional quotient are generally great listeners. Not that they don’t speak well, but listening is one of their strengths. Higher is your ability to identify, control and express your emotions, better will you perform at work.

Relationship management

Effective relationship management determines your success rate at work. So you need to give importance to relationships and manage existing conflicts effectively. Your emotional intelligence helps you be open and agreeable to other’s suggestions, respect difference of opinions, accept your mistakes and show empathy to others.

An employee with high emotional intelligence can manage his/her own impulses, communicate with others effectively and adapt to change well. Hence, the need for a high emotional quotient at work.

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