It’s High Time You Say Fuck It To These Things

Say fuck to these things

Say fuck to these things – At times we all feel irritated, frustrated and pissed off. We feel so heavy because we hold on to thing that keeps us weighing down in life.

There are many things that aren’t worth your time, they just make you feel bad and negative so it’s high time you Say fuck to these things and make room for a better and happier you.

Say fuck to these things –

  • What others will think and seeking their approval constantly. Guys its ok irrespective of the fact that you are right or wrong people will speak around your back. Stop paying attention to the crap and concentrate on what makes you feel good. Say f*** it to the people will say ideology, log kya kahenge!

  • Stop pleasing everyone you can’t please or keep everyone happy and in the verge of doing so often people forget to live their own life. At times you need to make others happy but don’t do everything just to please others say f*** it to your habit of pleasing everyone, and live your life!

  • Say f*** off to all the toxic friends who are up when in good times and vanish when you need their help the most.

Say fuck to these things

  • Say f*** it to your idea of the perfect partner as no one is perfect everyone has flaws. Appreciate what you have love unconditionally with open heart. Don’t compare your partner with others it will do no good to your relationship. Surrender to the person you love instead of finding faults appreciate his good qualities.

Say fuck to these things

  • Stop trying to control everything in any relationship as it just will create issues, give space in every relationship. You cannot control others life and its high time you learn this.

Say fuck to these things

  • You need to say f*** it to all unrealistic expectations no matter whether it’s from your partner, parents or boss. Collect the audacity and tell them what they are asking is unrealistic and in no way it’s possible it’s ok to be upfront at times rather than taking the pressure and screwing your happiness for something that is not even possible.

Say fuck to these things

  • Guys seriously you need to say f*** it to the melo drama, gossiping, bitching and negative talks about others. Its complete time waste you get nothing out of it rather spend that time improving your kills and your life will change for good.

Say fuck to these things

  • Say f*** to your thoughts that you actually know everything, no you don’t. There are lots of things you can learn everyday come out of your attitude and learn you are never too old to learn anything new from anyone.

Say fuck to these things

  • Kick jealousy out of your life it sucks. No one is born lucky so stop being jealous everyone has their ups and downs but few don’t show that’s the difference. Rather than being jealous be productive!

Say fuck to these things

So, these are a few things you need to Say fuck to these things in your life as soon as possible to become  a better version of yourself!

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