May Not Believe But You day dream spend 30 percent of day time

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How is day dream interesting for most? Every individual inclines to daydream. Knowingly or unknowingly, they can spend to 30 percent of daytime dreaming. The dreaming can be different and their dreams may vary. As a kid, they may be dreaming and playing all alone while they are awake. There is nothing to do bad unless day time dreaming wastes your precious time living and enjoying life. A person can enjoy to the maximum of 30 percent of day time for a daydream. Naturally, most people enjoy dreams from the young to adult.

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DayDream at Day time

Until and unless daydreaming gives them hope and happiness, it is inspiring. Most of the time a person expects to do something but is not able to do it in reality. They imagine it and try to live their thoughts in daydreams. But it is not worthy because dreamers are not effectively using their 30 percent of day time.
Kids have a different aspect of dreaming, teens dream very differently from adults’. Based on some religious books of spirituality and meditation focusing is essential. The book describes the need for focus and the loss a person may face while daydreams. According to spirituality, happiness hides in concentrating on the present instead of dreaming of the future.
Fantasy can be fun if it is real and inspires to progress. It guides us to do something better in life. It keeps you motivated to focus on the present and acquire your goal. The dreams may turn real one day. Daydreams turn harmful when a person is doing something and thinking about something else. The focus is already disturbed spoiling the present time.

Meditation points on concentrating to overcome day dream

Meditation has been one of the best ways to increase concentration in a person. In modern times, kids to adults meditate to improve their focusing quality. Daydream should not be capturing their mind and destroy their ability to maintain the presence of mind.
Daydreaming can be good when you are sitting ideal and have time to enjoy the fantasizing world. It is best, all a person have to sit and think whatever they want consciously. Meditations can help to develop a stronger mind and use it effectively. Concentrate when necessary and start dreaming if ideal.
People spending 30 percent of the day are not aware of their lack of concentration. Somehow, they are not aware of the time-wasting in thinking anything else while doing some different activities. In such conditions, the daydreamers do not gain. They develop stress and anxiety due to the absence of the mind. They fail in each field, lose their stability, and suffer from anxiety.
So, day dream is not bad when the mind has complete control over them. Dreaming above 30 percentage points on weakness when the mind loses control on dreams at day time. When there are many things to do but finally find doing nothing at the end of the day.

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