Quick fixes for hangover

If you know you are going to have a crazy drinking night full of whisky bottles and friends, keep this guide handy to prevent and deal with a bad hangover.


If you know you are going to have a crazy drinking night full of whisky bottles and friends, keep this guide handy to prevent and deal with a bad hangover.

Drink Gatorade, Tang, masala soda: Anything high in electrolyte content will work wonders after a drank-like-a-fish night. Most importantly, you need to rehydrate so drink loads of water in any form. Alcohol has diuretic properties, which cause dehydration and make you muscles weak. As your throat and mouth are susceptible to getting dry soon, keep yourself hydrated at all times and get the electrolytes back in your system through a low in calorie drink.  

Eat a greasy meal: Before you start tanking up on those bottles, treat yourself to a greasy, full-fledged meal. And don’t fret about the oil content in your food if you are going to gulp down those glasses full of alcohol. It will delay the absorption of alcohol in your system. The longer it takes that whisky to reach your blood streams, the longer you will stay saner and intoxicated.  

Go easy on coffee: While it is a common nothing that consuming caffeine helps in pressing away hangovers, it is also true that caffeine will only dehydrate you further. So stop drinking those cups after cups of coffee and instead go for lemon tea, if you have to take your does of caffeine. The tea will not only refresh you but will also do some good to your liver as it is packed with vitamin C.

After trying these, take a nap: Once you try these methods to lessen the painful effect of a bad hangover, it is advisable that you take a power nap. Since you will already be feeling a lot better, a good sleep, however short it is, will only pep up your mood. Your head will feel a lot lighter, too.  

Top up on sugar: Don’t go and start stuffing your mouth with sugar cubes. Make yourself a glass of orange juice. The liver gets worked up while trying to metabolise the alcohol and as a result, you experience low blood sugar that makes you moody and easily irritable. Sugar is present as fructose in juices, which is known to have certain properties that speed up the process of metabolising alcohol.


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