Ten healthiest vegetables

Youngisthan brings you a list of ten healthiest vegetables

1) Broccoli

Broccoli is chock full of cancer-fighting antioxidants, plus beta-carotene, vitamin C and folate which keep your immune system content and decrease the risk of cataracts and heart disease. Broccoli is also an amazing source of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

2) Carrots

Common orange carrots are betacarotene powerhouses, and rainbow carrots are full of other nutritional assets – red carrots have extra lycopene and purple carrots are higher in antioxidants. Cooking carrots in fact make their nutrients more bio-available to you. And their nutrients are best riveted if eaten with a little fat, so feel free to cook with that olive oil.

3) Spinach

Spinach also has anti-cancer carotenoids and it is a great source of iron. But don’t cook for too long, or you risk losing much of its nutritional value.

4) Tomatoes

Well, we all know tomatoes are actually a fruit, but we love to treat them like a vegetable. They are packed with lycopene and abundant vitamins making this fruit-in-veggie-clothing another efficient cancer fighter.

5) Kale

Kale has been a sweetheart of the food nutrition for a few years now and for outstanding reasons. Kale is a great source of antioxidant vitamins A, C, and K and phytonutrients, plus many cancer fighting nutrients.

6) Beets

You’ve possibly noticed that all these very healthy vegetables are also bright and colourful! Ruby-coloured beets are an exclusive source of phytonutrients called betalains which are great for anti-inflammatory and detoxification support. Try them raw in a salad for the most nutritional effect.

7) Sweet Potatoes

Pass over regular white potatoes for their orange-hued cousin, sweet potatoes! These are full of beta-carotene, plus manganese and vitamins C and E.

8) Red Bell Peppers

Bell peppers are also in fact a fruit, but treated like a vegetable. All peppers are a great source of nutrients, whether spicy or mild, but go for colour. Red bell peppers are full of fiber, folate, vitamin K, and the minerals molybdenum and manganese.

9) Brussels Sprouts

Much maligned Brussels sprouts are a tremendous source of folate, plus vitamins C and K plus being very high in fiber. They are really great roasted which caramelizes and produces their sweet flavour. Sprinkle them with balsamic vinegar!

10) Eggplant

Eggplant is identified for being high in antioxidants and being helpful in both lowering blood pressure and weight management. Don’t be scared of eating the skin which encloses some remarkable antioxidants.

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