Ways to Mentally Prepare for Weight Loss

The battle for a slimmer you is often won or lost in your head. Before you start a diet, psych yourself up for a lifestyle change with these prep steps.

The battle for a slimmer you is often won or lost in your head. Before you start a diet, psych yourself up for a lifestyle change with these prep steps.

State Your Weight Loss Goals
Having the right mind-set starts with knowing why you want to lose weight. It could be as simple as wanting to look and feel better — dragging around 30 extra pounds makes you tired and lethargic and uncomfortable in your clothes. Or you may have specific health needs, such as lowering your risk for diabetes or reducing high blood pressure.

Hire a Dietitian
When you are ready to lose weight for life, make an appointment to see a registered dietitian.Working with a dietitian will enable you to find a weight-loss program that best fits your lifestyle, your dietary needs, and any medical conditions you have and one that includes healthy foods you like and will want to eat.

Ink Your Weight Loss Meal Plan
Once you have decided on a weight-loss plan, map out all the steps needed to implement it. At the beginning of each week, create a meal plan for your diet that you will use as your guide for grocery shopping, cooking, eating out, and avoiding unplanned indulgences. Plan what you will order to avoid being tempted when you get there.

Invest in a Personal Trainer
Exercise is an essential part of any weight-loss program but when most people think about weight loss, they think about what foods they will eat rather than what exercises they will do and skipping exercise could be sabotaging their dietary efforts. Working with a trainer or just setting up a free consultation through your gym will help you map out an exercise routine that you enjoy and find ways to fit it into your busy schedule.

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