Categories: Sex

7 Health Benefits Of Having Sex Everyday

When it comes to sex, people usually associate it with pleasure. It is true, but pleasure is just a small part of the entire sphere that is sex.

There are numerous health benefits of making love along with helping you build a better rapport with your partner.

Having sex on everyday basis facilitates good sleep, burning of calories and stress relief, to name a few.

Here are several other health benefits that will encourage you to have sex more –

Boosts Heart Rate

Though sex is not a proper exercise, as usually professed, it is a form of exercise that can benefit you in the longer run. It not only burns your calories, but strengthens your muscles and boosts heart rate. When your heart is strong, your body keeps all related ailments at bay.

A Toned Body

Are you aware that your single romp session can burn anywhere from 85 to 250 calories? A longer sex activity is easily comparable to a decent workout schedule. With regular sex, you can not only lose that extra fat, but also achieve a toned body. Different parts of your body such as abs, buttocks and thighs get good workout.

Lower the Risk of Prostate Cancer

Males suffer from prostate cancer usually in the later stage of their life. As per records, about 99% of prostate cancer cases are reported among males who are over 50 years of age. You, however, can reduce the risk by either engaging in sex regularly or through regular masturbation. Many researches have shown that men who ejaculate at least 21 times in a month have a lower chance of contracting prostate cancer.

No More Heavy Periods

Women usually cramp and face discomfort while menstruating. Though it is a normal occurrence, there are times when they suffer from excessive pain forcing them to divert from their daily schedule. If you are one of these women, it is advisable that you have sex regularly as it will decrease the risk of endometriosis which causes pelvic pain.

Improved Libido

Sex, for many people is not an addiction, but it is something that you would not want to keep away from. Being alone with your partner in bed not only helps you connect physically, but also psychologically. Men and women can experience improved libido which enables them to enjoy sex better.

Relieve Physical Pain

Usually, couples prevent engaging in sex when they have a health ailment or two, headache being one of the most common issues. Instead, it is advisable that you have sex. When you have an orgasm, your body’s hormone oxytocin increases by five times, which further reduces all pains.

Live Long

A hormone called dehydroepiandrosterone gets released during orgasm. It performs multiple functions like keeping the skin healthy and repairing tissue. However, one thing that is more known for is improving immunity.

Men, who have a maximum of two orgasms a week, are known to live longer than men who have sex or masturbate just once a week.

Sridhar Krishnan

Published by
Sridhar Krishnan

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