
Ten Fruits That Make Your Skin Glow Naturally!

Fruits that make your skin glow naturally – Let  there be ‘N’ number of beauty products and make up products available out in the market.

There can be nothing that can beat the goodness and purity of fruits. They are the best sources that help the skin attain its glow in the most natural manner.

So, when asked to choose between artificial products and natural fruits, what would you choose?! I choose fruits!! Natural bites that cleanse your skin from pollutants, toxins and get lustrous and flawless skin.Now, wonder what could be those fruits that make your skin glow naturally. Well, then you gotta read furthermore.

Before we get started, there is one thing that is to be made clear is – for getting flawless, glowing skin the skin is to be flushed out with toxins from both inside and the external part also. So, here are some fruits that make your skin glow naturally.

Fruits that make your skin glow naturally –

  1. Papaya

The rich coloured fruit contains minerals, vitamin and enzymes like papain that prevents the skin from damaging. It also helps in healing the hurts, scars on the skin.

Try replacing papaya over oily and fatty junk. You can also use this for external application over the skin – by simply applying it on the skin and rinsing it off after 10 mins.

  1. Cucumber

This watery content green has plenty of water that gives cooling effects upon the body. Rich in vitamin K and C, has whitening effects on the skin.

Replace fresh cucumbers over the evening junk. You can also consume freshly made cucumber juice with lime and salt. Best works in hot summers, when the skin suffers burns due to the heat.

  1. Lemons

Help’s you the best in flushing out toxins from the body. Take in a glass of warm water along with lime – early in the morning to flush out all the toxins from the body. Scrub lemon and sugar over the dark areas to attain lighter effects.

  1. Banana

Rich in Vitamins A, C, E, K and help’s in reducing the scars over the skin. This instant energy boaster helps in giving energy. And for instant glow and smooth touch – apply mashed banana all over the skin.

  1. Strawberries

Get flawless skin with strawberries. Take strawberry smoothies during the morning meal and you can also mash strawberry and apply it all over the skin and rinse it off after 10 mins.

  1. Grapes

Rich in antioxidants and has minerals such as calcium and phosphorous, all helping to restore the glow of the skin.

Apply mashed grapes to skin and rinse it off with cold water after 10 mins.

  1. Pineapple

The fruit that is rich in vitamins A,K,C and anti-cancer properties. Applying it over the skin helps in healing the wounds and scars over the skin.

Add pineapple to your breakfast and other meals of the day. You can also mix pineapple juice with 1 teaspoon of milk and apply all over the skin and rinse it off after 10 mins.

  1. Gooseberry

Amla, rich in Vitamin C and anti-inflammatory properties heals the wounds and scars.

Ear a piece of dried gooseberries or amla after meal – that helps well in digestion process and flushes the toxins.

  1. Cherries

Rich in anti-inflammatory properties, antioxidants and Vitamins like A,C and K prevents the skin from any external damage.

Apply mashed cherry paste to the skin and rinse if off after 10 mins.

  1. Watermelon

Watermelon being high on water content, helps very well in flushing out the toxins from the body.  If you got oily skin, then mix 3 spoons of watermelon juice with 1 spoon of Multanimatti, 1 spoon of rose water and 1 spoon of rose water and apply.

For dry skin, mix 3 spoons of watermelon juice, 1 spoon of aloe vera, 1 spoon of honey and 1 spoon of lemon juice all together and apply. Rinse it off after 10 mins.


These are the fruits that make your skin glow naturallySo, these are some good, tasty, interesting fruits that works out well in attaining glow to the skin. Try follow these tips and see the results for yourself.


Needhi Gandhi

Published by
Needhi Gandhi

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