These 5 Yoga Poses That Can Control Your Anger !

Yoga poses that control anger

Yoga poses that control anger – Anger is one of the most natural emotions that a human being is possessed with.

It often leads to frustration, irritation that ruins your day. Anger that is not controlled is never good, as it lands you up in more troubles, breaking things that around you.

Uncontrolled anger has ill-effects on the body of a person. Some of them being –

  • High blood pressure
  • Heart problems
  • Insomnia
  • Migraine
  • Depression 

Let’s check out the different Yoga poses that control anger

Yoga poses that control anger – 

  1. Sukhasana {Easy Pose}

Sukhasana, is also known as ‘Easy pose’. This asana calms down the brain, reduces stress levels, strengthens the back, improves the posture, and gives in some peace.

How to do: This asana is done with sitting straight with legs crossed, with palms on knees. Now paying attention to the breath alone, inhale deeply and exhale slow. To be done for 5 minutes.

Yoga poses that control anger

  1. Balasana {Child’s Pose}

Balasana, also known to be ‘Child’s Pose’ improves the mind-body connectivity, relieves the tension in back, shoulders and chest areas, also promoting blood circulation in the body.

How to do:  This asana is done with kneeling on the floor, stretching forward from the hip to the chest that are to come in contact with the thighs, and extended in the front. This is to be done for about three to five minutes and return to normal posture.

Yoga poses that control anger

  1. Savasana {Corpse Pose}

Savasana, or the corpse pose aims at calming down the mind and body, improves concentration capacity, and relaxes the entire body. This asana is generally done at the end of yoga practice.

How to do: Lying down on the floor on the back, and hands and legs apart with palms facing upwards. Now focus on breathing, the entire body tends to relax.

 Yoga poses that control anger

  1. Matsyasana {Fish Pose}

Matsyasana, or the fish pose is known to relieve the stress, controls anger, and calms down the mind.

How to do: Sit down legs crossed, holding the toes now lean back stretching the back and try touching the head to the floor.

 Yoga poses that control anger

  1. Sarvangasana {Shoulder Stand Pose}

Sarvangasana, calms down the mind and body relieving the stress, improves the flexibility of the spinal cord.

How to do: Lying down on the back with hands on the sides of the body and legs together. Now lift the legs at 90 degrees angle, raise the body further more with hands on the waist.

Yoga poses that control anger

These are the Yoga poses that control anger – Follow these yoga postures, bid a goodbye to anger and live regret free live..!!

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