
Give Your Back Pain A Relief With These Powerful Home Remedies

Home remedies for back pain”

Back pain is a very common problem and many people face it in their life at one point or another.

The pain is too bad and thus it is very disturbing at times. Many people take kind of medicines to get rid of it.

The paining of back pain is said to be because of no proper physical activity, improper sitting posture and also arthritis etc.

Dealing with the pain of back pain is completely a big task that certainly can’t be neglected.

Therefore, if the so-called medicines aren’t as effective to ease the pain then it’s time you apply these natural home remedies for back pain.

  1. Garlic Oil

Yes, garlic oil is truly nutritious and beneficial for back pain. Garlic has some chemical compound present in it and thus it protects a lot from several diseases. Well, garlic is also said to be one that helps live for a longer time.

To get rid of it, all you need to do is crush some cloves and remove the juice out of it to apply it on your back side. Once it is done sleep on your back by covering it with a warm blanket for more quick relief.

  1. Milk

Every person must certainly keep this habit of drinking milk. Milk is beneficial for health without any doubt as it helps relaxes the body by also strengthening it. A tablespoon of turmeric or honey can be added to taste better.

  1. Lemon Juice

Lemon is rich in vitamin C and is absolutely beneficial. Drinking lemon juice for at least twice-thrice a day helps reduce the pain in joints and back pain can also be cured fastly.

Note- Lemon drink also detoxifies the body by preventing from pains and also wrinkles and so on.

  1. Ginger Tea

Early morning, replace the coffee or normal tea with a ginger tea as it is advantageous. Ginger tea has its own benefits and it helps reduce the back pain. All you need to do is boil a pan of water and add the ginger slices into it. Keep it for about 10 minutes and later remove the slices out and enjoy the tea by adding a little honey.

Drink it for about twice-thrice a day.

  1. Cold compress with ice

You can also use this cold treatment to reduce the back ache. Simply put some pieces of ice in a towel and apply it all over the back side pain for about 15 minutes max.

  1. Cabbage

Cabbage treats many diseases e.g. eye disorders, jaundice, constipation and backache includes too. This leafy vegetable contains vitamin C in it and thus helps reducing the lower back pain.

All you need to do is put some cabbage leaves into hot water and boil it for 15 minutes. The paste that comes needs to be wrapped in a towel and later apply it on the painful back area.

  1. Willow Bark

Willow bark also known as the nature’s aspirin is said to be a beneficial item that treats the heart attack and also aches. It contains soothing properties called salicylic acid which is also present in other medical tablets.

 These were the important seven home remedies for back pain. 

Any thoughts? Do comments below.

Mamta Naik

Published by
Mamta Naik

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