5 Ayurvedic Remedies For Diabetes That Can Give Insulin A Run For Money

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes – Ayurveda is what India is always valued.

It is one of the most far-fetched and archaic remedies that helped cure many diseases for ages. And Diabetes, for that matter, is gaining momentum each day. It is the silent killer that is taking a toll on human lives and diabetes afflicted man has to deal with many other side effects that insulin renders. While you are repelled by the idea of dealing with the side effects, you are in constant search for alternative remedies and Ayurveda completely fits the bill.

It vows to eradicate diabetes through drugs, diet, panchakarma and exercise which we know as Asrava, Prameha, Madhumeha and Maharogya. Here are some Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes you need to know:

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes –

1 – Bitter Gourd Juice:

Bitter gourd has great properties to cure diabetes. It is meant to be taken in empty stomach each day in the wee hours of the morning.

2 – Ground Bay leaf and Aloe Vera:

Take ½ tbsp. ground Bay Leaf to mix with ½ tbsp. turmeric and 1 tbs aloe vera juice. Drink it twice a day before lunch and dinner.

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes

3 – Methi seeds:

Methi or Fenugreek seeds with a combination of some Ayurvedic herbs can cure your diabetes. Grind seeds of methi about 100gm, turmeric about 25 gm and put it in a glass of milk. Consume this combination every day to see the results soon.

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes

4 – Banyan Tree Bark:

Heat 20 gms of Banyan tree bark in 4 glasses of water and reduce it up to 50 ml. You can consume it one glass each day to show diabetes the door.

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes

5 – Triphala:

Triphala is a tried and tested method to cure diabetes. Take equal parts of Triphala, root of barberry, colocynth and moth, mix it with some turmeric powder (4gm) and consume with lukewarm water twice a day for better results.

Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes

These are the 5 Ayurvedic remedies for diabetes. You can try these at home to lower your blood sugar level without taking insulin.

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