Categories: Creative

10 Signs That Clearly Show That You Are Broke And Out of Job!

Being broke and out of job at the same time, is not a good thing to experience dude! But if you are going through it and not able to acknowledge it, we help you with that!

If you are doing or facing these 10 things, be more than sure that you are B R O K E!

1.  Your fine dining looks something like this when you are broke!

2.  When you bring out an old pant when you are B R O K E (laundry and new clothes are slowly becoming a dream you see) which you haven’t worn for a while and suddenly you find a few bucks in the back-pocket! 

3.  When you ask for the price of something in the supermarket and it turns out to be too much for your B R O K E pocket and you definitely cannot buy it! That’s what you do, pretend as if you are evaluating it! 

4.  The most frustrating moment of life: When someone who owes you money leaves for a vacation without paying you back! 

5.  The most horrific moment: When you check your bank account after a party night out! 

6.  When you want to scream, but cannot: Your friends want to split a hefty bill in equals and you only had a small drink because you were saving! 

7.  When your current currency and finances look nothing different than this! 

8.  When all your friends start to avoid your phone calls thinking that you are definitely asking for financial help! 

9.  When you start lying in your resume about the skills you never had! A job becomes the topmost priority you see! 

10.  And when your meager Tax Return hits your account, you feel like a rich Arab Sheikh, who can buy anything, ANYTHING!!

Our sympathies are with you dude, if this is exactly what you are going through!

Trust us, we all have gone through this! Simply, yes, we all have!


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