Decoded Types Of Employees In IT Which Type Is Yours?

Types of employees

Types of employees – Employees are the most important resource of any business organisation. Not all the employees are of the same nature and attitude. We see a lot of different set of employees with different mind sets, attitudes.

The IT sector see a lot if people with lot of differences like the attitudes, nature, mind sets and many more.

And if you work in one IT firm, I am sure that you would definitely relate to the different types of employees that we get to see in any IT firm.

Here is an list of different types of employees we get to see.

  • The Mr. Perfect employee:

He is a kind of employee, who is sincere, committed, motivated and focused on results.

I just don’t know which planet does such people fall from. Typical Workaholic..!!! 

  • The Care-free employees:

And now these are my favourites 😉 Haha! These are set of people who just relax even when they have heck of work to accomplish. They are one set of cool going people in the office. They don’t fret, we can never see them in hurry burry!

  • The Happy employee:

These are the greatest ones, I ever consider. They are always happy and always seen smiling. Best ones sporting pleasant smile on their faces.

  • The Work Overtime employee:

We see these accepting loads and loads of work. They are ready to work for a period that exceeds the regular working hours. I wonder, if they know about something called ‘rest’ or ‘relaxation’. Poor souls.

  • The Extra-smart employees:

How can we even think of completing the list without giving them the place they desire *wink* These are people that act extra smart just to impress the boss.

I wonder, do they even get a single extra penny after all the drama they do just to impress the bossy..! I doubt. 

  • The Traveller employee:

These are the ones that keep shifting between companies or organisation. Nomadics! I call them. 

  • The Leader employee:

The one with great responsibilities like motivating the team, keep em’ focused, access their performance and what not!!

Poor ones! I find managing myself difficult, and wonder who they manage some lot of people with different attitudes. They must be people with lot of patience 😉 

Types of employees – I am quite sure, you could relate them with the ones that you have seen. Hope I could get some smile on your faces. Good Day

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