6 Differences Between Studying In CBSE And ICSE In India


CBSE and ICSE – CBSE or the Central Board of Secondary Education and ICSE or the Indian Certificate of Secondary Educationare two of the most prominent education boards in India.

If you have studied in a school in India there is a high chance that you would have studied in either of these two boards. But, there is a vast difference in the way the two board function.

Here are 5 differences between studying in CBSE and ICSE in India.

Differences between CBSE and ICSE –

  1. Hindi and English medium

While ICSE only recognises English medium schools, CBSE schools can choose to impart education in Hindi or English, any of the two languages. This makes CBSE a little more flexible when you see things from the perspective of the language. CBSE Board seems more inclusive as it recognises both Hindi medium and English medium schools.


  1. Number of subjects

If you are a tenth grade CBSE student going to appear for your board exams, you have to study only six subjects. The number goes up drastically if you are an ICSE student. You have to study for as many as twelve subjects. So, the burden is relatively lesser when you are a CBSE student.


  1. Scholarships

Usually, it is the CBSE which is at the forefront at providing scholarship based opportunities and organising talent honing examinations or tests that reward students for their skills in a variety of subjects or talent. ICSE, too, provides students with such opportunities but CBSE does these things more regularly. BBSE is a better option for those seeking to participate in such competitions and events.


  1. Emphasis on practical knowledge

While CBSE is focussed more on providing theoreticalknowledge to students, ICSE aims to sharpentheir skills and intelligence by putting them rigorously through practical tests. Practical tests are done to make sure that students, after gaining knowledge theoretically, have been able to implement it practically or not.


  1. Government recognition

While CBSE is recognised by the Government of India, ICSE is not. Each of them provides certificates that are recognised globally but CBSE is recognized by the Government of India and hence, gets more support in terms of subsidies and other help locally. Having said, you would not be at disadvantage if you are studying in ICSE school as the Government is obligated to take care of them as well.


  1. Presence

The number of CBSE affiliated schools is much higher than the ones affiliated with ICSE. The number of CBSE schools is around 18,000 while the number of ICSE affiliated schools stand at a little over 10, 000. Surely, the difference the number of schools is quite high.


Both CBSE and ICSE are unique in their own ways and offer a well-chartered ad thought out curriculum and syllabus to their students. There are differences in the ways the two boards function but when you try to compare them, they even out each other pros and cons and have their own individualistic identity that has helped them sustain themselves in thefield of education for so long.

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