These Apps Will Help You Fulfill Your New Year Resolutions!

Apps that fulfill new year resolutions – Most of us make New Year resolutions every year. Though, many of us are unable to fulfill them. We get a list of apps that would assist our readers to accomplish their target.

It is the time of the year when we all would decide on our New Year resolutions.

While some of us would strive to lose weight, others would resolve to spend more time with our families. We bring a list of apps that would help our readers to achieve their resolutions.

1)  Stay Fit:

Staying fit or losing weight is one of the most common New Year resolutions. There is a host of fitness apps that can help the user achieve this target. From dieting apps to yoga apps and from weight loss apps to apps for building six pack abs, there are a bucketful of applications available today.



2)  Quit Smoking:

Smokers know that smoking is injurious to health and most of them resolve to quit it, but are unable to do it. There is an array of apps that help in smoking cessation, such as LIVESTRONG’s MyQuit Coach, Quit It Lite, Quit Smoking, My Last Cigarette, and more.



3)  Give up Alcohol:

Alcoholism is another habit that many people wish to do away with. Apps such as Twenty-Four Hours a Day, AlcoDroid Alcohol Tracker, SoberApp – Alcohol Calculator, Stop Drinking Alcohol App, and more can help in this regard.



4)  Socialize More: In their busy lives, most people do not get the time to socialize. For all those who wish to socialize more in the year 2015, may download party planning apps, such as Pepperplate, Pro Party Planner, PitchIn, Drinking Buddy, and Party Mixer.



5)  Spend More Time With Family:

In today’s world where most children stay away from their families due to their academic or professional commitments, it is crucial to find ways to stay connected to one’s family. For all those who wish to stay in touch with their family members may download apps for staying connected, such as Viber, Whatsapp Messenger, Touch, MessageMe, and more.



6)  Get Up Early in the Morning:

This is another obvious resolution that most of us make and break every year. There is a gamut of alarm apps, which are better & smarter than normal alarm clocks. A few of these include Gentle Alarm, Alarm Clock Plus, Sleep Cycle, G-Alarm, and more.


These are only a few of the most common resolutions people make. There are many other common, as well as, uncommon ones. With innumerable apps available today, users are sure to find an app that would help them fulfill all their resolutions.

Go ahead, decide your New Year resolution, and download the corresponding app to achieve it!

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