“Gita Jayanti” Birthday of Bhagawat Gita The Holy Book

3 years ago

Reviving the history of the birth of the holy book of the Hindus; the tale of Lord Krishna and the…

Ultraviolet Rays the Nemesis To Collagen And Beauty

3 years ago

Ultraviolet Rays are divided into three parts which have different effects on the skin of the body. Collagens are the…

Importance of STEM to The Upcoming Generation

3 years ago

The upcoming generation with exposure to the education Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics, (STEM) will experience a brighter and advanced…

Christmas Villages With Best Celebration Across the Globe

3 years ago

The onset of 25th December each year, demands fun and celebrations which swifts with its own flow across the globe.…

Napolean Complex Theory That Still Persist to Its Existence

4 years ago

Knowingly or unknowingly the theory of the Napolean complex still remains in different areas of the profession. The main objective…

Truth about the Fashion Industry Faces after Pandemic

4 years ago

Reshaping of the fashion industry was a forecast during the pandemic. For almost a year this sector suffered loss without…

Do Foodies Lie to Themselves About Their Food Habit?

4 years ago

Food habits are a concern for health-related problems if it does not meet the requirements of the body. Somewhere, foodies…

Religious Facts that Brought Revolution in History

4 years ago

The historical religious facts that brought revolutions in India when different centuries and ages mention about changes. Varying in the…

Attitude to Positivity Is the Mantra Describes Karma

4 years ago

"Attitude to Positivity", considered as the angle that pursues Karma. And this is the main reason the attitude towards any…

Breaking Rules Sometimes Are to Build Newage

4 years ago

New thoughts mostly push a person’s mind for breaking rules that are an obstacle to build a modern innovative social…