Easy DIY Remedies To Get Rid Of Water Blisters Immediately!

Water Blisters

“Water Blisters”

Water blisters are usually formed on the hands and the feet. The blisters are totally filled with fluid and it also causes a lot of itchiness.

The presence of water blisters turns out to be so annoying when it occurs on the palms of the hand. Well, sometimes some of ‘em can’t control and thus keeps rubbing the palms which make it more worse. Agree?

A lot of blisters on the skin can also cause a disease “Dyshidrotic eczema” which needs to be given a proper health check.

Well, this problem takes a little time e.g. 3 or 4 weeks to heal but by using these remedies you can easily get rid of ‘em.

DIY Remedies:-

  1. Green Tea

All you need to do is soak your “blister” part inside the green tea. Green tea has certain properties in it that heals the blisters quickly. Keep a cup of warm water ready, put 3 tea bags into it and later add teaspoon of baking soda.

Once the green tea is cooled then soak your water blister in it. Doing so will help the blister to soften up and later it will be popped.

  1. Black Tea

Black tea also contains the anti-bacterial properties and thus soaking the blister in black tea will help the blister pop and heal easily.

  1. Aloe Vera Gel

The gel of Aloe Vera contains anti-inflammatory properties in it that helps the healing of swelling and blister. Applying the gel on to the blister will help it to simply heal faster and later it will pop up on its own.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also beneficial to heal the blister easily.

It contains anti-bacterial properties that contain healing process in it. Put some apple cider vinegar on to the blister and after a few minutes the blister will be popped.

  1. Castor Oil + Apple Cider Vinegar

The mixture of these two will work as a best process to heal the water blister.

Add both of ‘em and apply it before you sleep at night so that the blister will dry and later it will heal easily.

  1. Turmeric

Mix ½ teaspoon of turmeric powder with water and stir it altogether by making it a paste. Once the paste is ready; apply it onto your blister and leave it for about 15 minutes max and later rinse it off with water.

This will help the blister pop and the pain will heal.

  1. Epsom Salt

Add 2 tablespoon of Epsom salt in a tub filled with water and mix it altogether.

Once it is done put your feet into the tub of water and keep it for about 15-20 minutes. Doing so will help the blister pop up and the pain will be healed.

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