Home Remedies To Get Rid Of The Acid Stomach!

Acid stomach

Are you suffering from acidity? Do you regularly suffer the problem of acid stomach?

If yes then you also need to know that the acidity problems are mainly caused due to irregular eating habits, consuming alcohol & eating a lot of spicy foods.

If it’s a habitual case than you need to control the eating habits first.

Thus, to treat your acidity problem; here are some of the natural home remedies which are very effective.

Check ‘em out:-

  1. Ginger

It is a very useful ingredient to treat the acid stomach.

All you need to do is put some ginger slices in the hot water and drink it later. Or if that seems indigestible then just keep chewing the slices of ginger.

  1. Bananas

It is a remedial fruit & it helps to get rid of acidity as well.

As bananas are high in fibre content plus they are also a rich source of potassium that deals with the acid stomach quickly.  Eat bananas daily & clear your acidity problem.

  1. Cold Milk

Drink cold water to prevent the acid stomach. Drinking it cold actually helps to deal with the burning that takes place because of acidity. Milk has always been useful because it contains high amount of calcium in it.

  1. Jaggery

Once you’re done with your meals; keep a small piece of Jaggery in your mouth for few minutes and later you’ll see the acidity is gone.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar

Consume 2 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar daily & for a little flavor add some honey to taste better.

  1. Almonds

They are rich in vitamin E and also a good source of calcium is present in it.

Daily eat the raw almonds.

  1. Basil Leaves (Tulsi)

Tulsi has many health benefits that prevent the anti-ageing, excessive stress and it also deals with the acid stomach.

Basil leaf are good in taste & thus during acidity crisis you only need to chew few basil leaves to get an instant relief.

  1. Cloves

Chew at-least 2-3 cloves so that you properly intake it’s juice.

Clove’s juice helps cleanse all the excessive gas from the stomach & it also gives an instant relief.

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