5 Ways To Treat Split Ends Using Home Remedies

Split ends

Split ends are one of the most damageable things. Well, trying all the medical treatment won’t result that effective for hair and therefore it makes the hair look drier.

Let me tell you; there are many reasons e.g. exposure of hair to the pollution, over washing hair, using more and more chemical products results into having split ends.

Also, salons are the first choice to get rid of those split ends. Agree?  But, why spend money on such expensive things?

Ladies, you can treat your split ends by applying some home-remedies. And, don’t overthink; it’s absolutely fine ditching those expensive salon & products.

Check out these home-remedies you must apply to treat your split ends:-

  1. Hot Oil

Oil is one of the best remed . All you need to do is heat some of the coconut or olive oil and later massage it into your hair and scalp. Doing this will make your hair healthier and also treat the ends.

Keep it for almost 30 minutes and later you can wash your hair.

  1. Egg

You might not like the idea of putting the egg mask into your hair but it is one of the most essential treatments to treat hair problems.

Egg mask not only makes the hair smoother but it also treat splits as it contains protein in it.

  1. Honey

Yes, you heard it right. Honey is totally useful and a best remedy to apply into hair. A combination of one spoon honey and mixing it off with curd is what works to deal to your problem.

Once you’ve this entire ready; massage it into your split hair for about 15 minutes and later wash it off.

  1. Papaya

Cut the papaya into half and add yogurt into it by mixing it off properly. Later, apply it in your hair smoothly by giving a massage for about 20 minutes minimum.

Later, wash your hair with shampoo; it will make your hair look smoother and shinier by treating the split ends completely.

  1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a best remedy for the damaged ends on hair. Removing the gel and applying it into your hair by massaging it for 20 minutes is a good treatment.

Later, you can wash your hair with shampoo.

Note: – Make sure to use these remedies for at least twice or thrice a week.

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