8 Erotic Foods For A Hot And Steamy Love Making Session!


If at all you are an adventurer in bed, maybe you have experimented with whipped cream or strawberries, crushed or whole, in your bedroom sessions, but you might have missed out on a whole lot of sexy foods that you can use during your foreplay.

Just for an update, I must tell you that there is a lot that has been added to latest coital and culinary trends.

Take a deep breath, and brace your seats, for I am going to take you on a journey of feast-full love, that starts with exotic edibles and ends with a treat of your choice.

So, let’s explore the other side of the sexual spectrum; the Erotic Foods!

  1. The Easy And Luscious Peanut Butter 

The best quality that makes peanut butter a remarkable toy for your bedroom games is its easily spreadable texture. Just dip in your fingers and let your partner indulge in a heavenly massage while you explore the skin folds. Some moves to make; run your fingers on your partner’s lips, let them taste the butter before you taste the lips. The bonus – the protein loaded peanut butter provides adequate nourishment for those muscle workouts later!


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